Many years ago, I took a lanky, scruffy 16 year old in Miami, made him clean his teeth and brush his hair and made him a local TV star. He was one of the hosts on a show I was producing in Miami called WAMI On Miami. He conducted the very fist TV interview with a then 15 year old pop star Britney Spears, interviewed other pop star sensations like N*Synch, and help create the number one kids show in South Florida. As much as I am a guru and star maker, (insert laugh here), Rob Czar had and has a real talent in front of the camera. Instead of being a big head "I'm a star TV host", he decided when the show had run it's course to go to LA and follow a job in the entertainment field. Instead of joining the masses of wannabe TV hosts and actors, he got a job as an producers assistant. He then proceeded to work this job, learning production and how a show runs and worked his way up to be a casting assistant, then casting producer. I then lifted him out of casting to host a show for me on NBC for Discovery Kids. He was superb. I am amazed at his ability to take on bigger and better things, so when I was at AOL, I contacted Rob for our teen service RED to host some pieces from the Warped Tour. Rob not only hosted, but he directed, shot, edited, and completely soup to nuts produced 75, 5 minute shows for RED. He did this again, then took this one man band on the road through European music festivals. Rob, who has no real ego that I have ever seen, has built himself up to be a real self made talent.
When my friends Jed Simmons, Herb Scannel and Fred Seibert were setting up their new online video company
Next New Networks, I had no problem telling them to speak to Rob. By this time Rob had found a wonderful partner Corrine, who also hosts, produces and edits, and looks a million times nicer than Rob on screen. They designed a show aimed at people who make their own clothes, or DIY clothing, (Threadbanger). Their shows are superb and have become very successful, and now have 1,000,000 people a month watching them. In web terms this is very very good. They have been featured on Rachel Ray's show twice, and now, on Wednesday they were featured on the
CBS evening news.
This is an example of true talent. Next New Networks is an example of doing targeted content in a smart way. Watch and enjoy!
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