Wednesday, January 21, 2009

SEC investigating Steve Jobs/APPLE

Apparently being ill, and not wanting to tell the whole world about your illness is a matter for the SEC?  We all know Steve Jobs is ill. How ill, is another question, BUT, even if you are an investor in Apple, it really is none of your business. What IS your business is, can Steve Jobs perform his job properly?  Has he misled anyone as to his abilities to do that?  That we will not know, however, as he has now stepped down for a six month period, I doubt he was intending to defraud his investors before by staying at his post.
The bigger question Apple a one man company?  Everyone hails Steve for being a genius,(even me), and I am guilty of being the biggest macphile out there, (my first mackintosh computer was at "Coming Next" magazine in Newcastle back when I was 22 years old, I still have MAC's first ever laptop, and it works!), but is Apple dead if Steve is?  I really don't think so. As a leader, innovator and positioning executive Steve is amazing, but he doesn't design, develop and produce all these wonderful products himself...there are hundreds of amazingly talented MAC peeps out there creating the new products, (I think it's high time we had a iToilet, imagine the fun we could have in the morning).  
So let's let Steve make a recovery, Tim Cooke is as close as anyone to the company operations, (COO), so he'll be able to steer the ship, Apple retail is doing excellent, especially compared to everyone else in god, they didn't even have to drop their prices this Christmas...people were prepared, in the worst economy in the world, to pay more than any PC for an Apple!!
So Steve is ill, leave him alone, he hopefully makes a full recovery, and all will be well with the world.

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