As many of you will know, I am a huge Applephile. Have been ever since we got the very first Apple MacIntosh in the offices of "Coming Next Magazine" in Newcastle many many years ago. Over the past ten years Apple has gone from a provider of high end computers to people in the graphics community, to being one of the strongest brands in the world.
Apple has transformed itself into a company that is responsible for delivering the majority of people their digital media. They still make amazing computers, but with the advent of the iPod they literally revolutionized the music industry, then providing TV on the iPod and movies, iTunes, Apple TV, and now delivering High Def programming and films for rent off iTunes, they are the conduit to everyone's digital future.
If you can deliver the goods, have a brand that people not only trust, but also covet, then why don't you start to make the content as well? I believe that the company could become a media giant making, distributing, and owning content. They'll still have to distribute very else's content, but if Apple can package their goods so well, imagine how well they would package their programming.
Apple's ubiquitous presence in millions of peoples lives through computers, iPods, cell phones make them the most connected company out there. Other media companies have some elements, but Apples is the digital Valhalla!
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