Friday, May 8, 2009

AMTRAK smells, a light hearted blog post

AMTRAK - Why do AMtrak trains all smell the same. It's an insipid someone just died here smell, and it's in every train apart from the Acela.  The Acela doesn't smell, but the normal AMTRAK trains do?  Why?  My friend posted on Facebook yesterday how disgusting the trains really are, from cleanliness, the smell of death and terrible over priced food. he one she was on yesterday even leaked water through the roof.  I can understand the cost of replacing all the rolling stock, but you must be able to do something about this smell?

Thoughts peeps?


  1. Replace the trains. They are at least 30 years old. Not to mention they are the same exact trains I rode when I went to college in Philly...(which was NOT 30 years ago, but still) and they smelled then too. Like a toilet.

  2. Hi Mal,
    Amtrak already had their problems before the recession. Now, I guess the best solution might be ... noseplugs.

  3. Free with each ticket purchased, a pair of noseplugs!!! I like it.
