Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lose It update

Well it's getting tougher on the weight loss. I am down to 197lbs, which for me is a milestone because my weight has a 1 in front of it and for the past 12 years it's had a 2 lol. I maintain 3 miles a day in the gym plus full work out, sometimes more, but have hit the hard last 15 lbs that everyone told me I would. Still keeping a religious count of all my calories on "Lose It", on the iPhone and it will get me to where  I want to be I am sure. Onwards!!!!!


  1. Hi Mal,
    Congrats ... sounds like that iPhone app is really having a positive impact!

  2. It really works if you use it, the working out helps a lot to :)

  3. Congrats Mal. Now you're body is holding onto fat for survival. or so it thinks. Increments will come in ounces not LBs. stick with it sir!

  4. I can confirm that the Birdman is in grrrrrrrrreat shape! Vive la 6 pack! Rick X
